Kia handed over its best-selling electric cars Niro Hybrid, Niro Plug-in Hybrid and Niro EV to the Andhra Pradesh government. Korean carmaker Kia Motors said production of its made-in-India cars would begin in the second half of 2019. Once the construction of its unit in Penukonda in Anantapuramu district of Andhra Pradesh is over, the company would produce approximately three lakh cars annually, said a press statement. The company handed over its best-selling electric cars Niro Hybrid, Niro Plug-in Hybrid and Niro EV to the Andhra Pradesh government, the statement said. Chief Minister of the state N Chandrababu Naidu received the cars from managing director and chief executive officer of Kia Motors India Kookhyun Shim, it said. Kia Motors signed a memorandum of understanding with the state government to collaborate on 'Partnership for Future Eco-Mobility, the statement said. Under the pact, it said, Kia would partner with the government to develop local electric vehi...
The Google Play Store now has a “try now” button for games, right next to the “buy” or “install” button. The feature uses technology from mobile studio AppOnBoard, and has already been implemented in a few titles. AppOnBoard is offering a 30-day free trial to developers wanting the feature in their games. Instant Apps have been available on the Google Play Store for a while now, allowing users to access apps without downloading them. Now, Google has taken things further with a “try now” button (located next to the “install” or “buy” buttons) for games in the Play Store. According to Venturebeat (h/t: XDA-Developers ), hitting the button launches a demo that requires no installation. This demo can be up to 10MB in size, and seamlessly prompts users to download or purchase the full product once it’s over. The technology, which is actually the brain-child of mobile company AppOnBoard, has already been implemented in games like Cookie Ja...