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Showing posts from January, 2015

If we suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet?

If humans suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet? Find out in AsapScience new video

The Leatherman Tread: 25 Tools You Wear On Your Wrist

There's no running from THIS hippo

Hippo's are these adorable, sort of non-threatening looking mammals which, if you were to make a list of Most Athletic Looking Animals, wouldn't figure terribly highly, right? Wrong. GON' EAT YOU

Anatomy of a tear

How an airplane is made

Henry Reich from Minute Physics is going Behind-the-Scenes of an Airbus A350 being built!

Yes, Pikachu is going to be in the Pokémon fighting game

Pikachu, Gardevoir and Suicune will be playable fighters in Bandai Namco's Pokémon fighting game, Pokkén Tournament, the game's developer confirmed during a livestream on Japan's Niconico video service today. The three newly confirmed Pokémon join previously announced playable fighters Lucario and Machamp, and a handful of assist characters, including Emolga, Fenniken, Lapras and Snivy.

Government plans free Wi-Fi in 2,500 cities, towns in mega internet push

NEW DELHI: The government will roll out free high-speed Wi-Fi in 2,500 cities and towns across the country over three years and the programme, involving an investment of up to Rs 7,000 crore, will be implemented by state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL). However, the free ride will be only for a limited time, after which one would have to pay for further access, a model similar to what is being offered at airports and other places by private operators. For those having a BSNL or MTNL connection, the switch-over to Wi-Fi will be similar to roaming "at very nominal costs" once the free usage is over. "The services will begin in the next financial year (2015-16) and we plan to offer these to subscribers of all mobile operators," BSNL chairman and managing director Anupam Shrivastava told TOI here. The measure seems to be in line with the Modi government's ambitious 'Digital India' programme that aims at boosting internet connectivity a

What System Restore Can and Cannot Do to Your Windows System

Every time your system gets corrupted or when something goes wrong, like bad drivers or misconfigured settings, the first thing that comes to our mind is to restore the system to the previous good state. Actually, it is one of the most suggested options as it is not only easy to perform but solves some of the basic problems like corrupted system files. But as useful as it is, there is a lot of ambiguity and some misconceptions about what Windows System Restore can and cannot do whenever you perform a system restore to fix things up. So let’s find out and clear up the confusion on what the system restore can and cannot do on your system. What is System Restore To put it simply, System Restore is a built-in feature which can be used to roll back to a previous known good state. This feature is particularly helpful whenever you want to roll back major changes made to the system. System Restore points can be created manually but are also automatically created in the event of any suppo

Google reveals 3 Apple OS X Zero-day Vulnerabilities

After exposing three critical zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Windows operating systems, Google's Project Zero vulnerability research program has revealed the existence of three more zero-day vulnerabilities, but this time, on Apple's OS X platform. The team has published three zero-day exploits for Apple’s OS X, with sufficient information for an experienced hacker to exploit the bugs in an attack. Of course, the details about the zero-days were not released without alerting Apple to these issues. FIRST ZERO-DAY VULNERABILITY The first flaw, "OS X networkd 'effective_audit_token' XPC type confusion sandbox escape," allows an attacker to pass arbitrary commands to the networkd OS X system daemon because it does not check its input properly.

The anatomy of anxiety

What are the healthiest sleeping positions?

Why you are still alive

Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army of cells that fights like a T-Rex on speed and sacrifices itself for your survival. Without it you would die in no time. This sounds simple but the reality is complex, beautiful and just awesome.

Did you know you are more worth dead than alive?

WhatsApp Web — New WhatsApp Feature Allows You to Chat From Your Browser

 The most popular smartphone messaging service WhatsApp is now able to communicate with friends from their PC. No Rumours at all !! Enjoy WhatsApp from your desktop from now on. Last month, it was leaked that Whatsapp was working on a web client and finally from today they are introducing it to the public. The feature is called "WhatsApp Web," which gives its users the ability to read and send messages directly from their web browsers.

The science of attraction

Experiencing mild shocks while learning can enhance related memories

Memory is a tricky thing. Remembering details of past experiences — details like what you had for lunch last Friday, or what you learned in history class — is often an exercise in futility. But then sometimes, for what appears to be no reason at all, you remember every detail of an exceedingly mundane event. Now, researchers think they might have figured out why that is. As it turns out, emotional events, like those that trigger a fear response, can enhance a person's memory of related pieces of information acquired prior to the emotional moment.

SpaceX confirms $1 billion funding round with Google

Google and Fidelity are investing a collective $1 billion in SpaceX, Elon Musk's space transportation company. Combined, Google and Fidelity now own "just under 10 percent" of SpaceX, which has already taken on four other major investors. The round values SpaceX at over $10 billion.

Obama's War on Hackers Is Turning Everyone into a Suspect

So there's good news, and there's bad news. The good news is that Obama mentioned a sprawling set of cybersecurity initiatives at the State of the Union tonight. The bad news is that they suck. Don't get me wrong: improving the country's cybersecurity is important. However, the president's new proposals stand to stomp all over Americans' civil liberties and further muddle our already vague hacking laws. What does that mean for you? It means you might find yourself unwittingly violating a hacking law if you so much as click on a link. Even retweeting a link could get you into hot water. This doesn't bode well for privacy or free speech. In the future, everybody is a hacker

Here's what meditation is doing to your brain

Meditation is certainly not a new practice, by any stretch, and there's a scientific reason why it's stuck around for so many years.

12 Places To Visit Around The World Where The Rupee Will Make You Feel Rich

We always complain about how expensive it is to even go abroad, let alone buy anything there. The States, the UK and a couple of other places have come to symbolise the world for us. While it's true that our currency is pretty weak, there's no denying that there are places you can go to and things you can see with our own desi rupaiya that will make you feel like a total king. Check out these places where you can get the best of those hallowed monies.

25 most bizarre phobias

one of the longest phobia is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia noun-      fear of long words

What is Your Password?

President Obama just unveiled a number of proposals to crack down on hackers. It's great that the government is working on this but we need to do a better job of protecting ourselves. So we sent a camera out onto Hollywood Boulevard to help people by asking them to tell us their password.

The science of study

When you learn something new, the involved synapses change. Once the information is stored, the more your recall what you’ve learned, the more simultaneous the process becomes. This same reaction occurs when learning any new information, including a new skill. What’s even more amazing, is that as you learn, your brain actually grows!

Awesome Technologies and Gadgets to Make Your Tech Life Easier in 2015 and Beyond

There’s so much in store for tech enthusiasts and geeks this year with all these new toys for big boys and girls – wearables, smart devices, mobile technology, Internet things and everything in-between – it’s difficult not to gloat over them on screen. While some aren’t available for purchase yet, the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 revealed them last week in addition to the R&Ds and prototypes released last year from various companies and organisations. Daily Mail even called this year as the “pottiest year for gadgets ever.” I couldn’t agree more. Here’s why.

Mother gives birth to 19-yr-old son

NAGPUR: While tears of joy rolled down the eyes of Manisha Thakre, her 19-year-old son Rahul narrated on Thursday how his mother had given him a new life, literally giving birth to him a second time. She donated a kidney to him, ensuring he lives a health life for many decades ahead. The Thakres had been running pillar to post for four years after doctors said Rahul would need kidney and liver transplants. Their problems were more serious than other kidney failure patients, since the parents' kidneys didn't match due to different blood groups, and the city didn't have the facility for simultaneous kidney and liver transplants. However, thanks to developments in medicine, Rahul underwent an across (against) the blood group organ donation (medically called as incompatible blood type kidney transplant) from his mother at Fortis Hospital in Mumbai, a first for any city patient.

15,000 pink slips in the tech corridor and still counting

Already reeling under layoffs by software giants TCS, Cisco and others, the city's tech community was delivered a knockout punch on Wednesday with news that Luxembourg-based mortage and financial services software company, Altisource, has issued pink slips to over 300 techies at its Electronics City campus here on Wednesday. Though Altisource did not issue any official statement, the news spread like wildfire, triggering panic among the already jittery workforce. However, the development was confirmed after Bangalore Mirror spoke to a couple of Altisource employees. "Even in my wildest dreams, I had not imagined I would be thrown out of my world turned topsy-turvy in just 20 minutes when I was summoned in the afternoon and given the march orders. I did not know how to react. I could see some of my sacked colleagues crying aloud, some begging with the HR personnel to give them time and some reacting angrily," said Rohit (name changed on request), an assistant m

Google vs. Microsoft — Google reveals Third unpatched Zero-Day Vulnerability in Windows

Microsoft has heavily criticized Google and its 90-days security disclosure policy after the firm publicly revealed two zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Windows 8.1 operating system one after one just days before Microsoft planned to issue a patch to kill the bugs. But, seemingly Google don't give a damn thought. Once again, Google has publicly disclosed a new serious vulnerability in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 before Microsoft has been able to produce a patch, leaving users of both the operating systems exposed to hackers until next month, when the company plans to deliver a fix.

Inside a Google data center

Joe Kava, VP of Google's Data Center Operations, gives a tour inside a Google data center, and shares details about the security, sustainability and the core architecture of Google's infrastructure.

The science of kissing

Microsoft Ends Windows 7 Mainstream Support

On January 13, 2015, Microsoft's mainstream support for Windows 7 Service Pack (SP) 1 ended, which means the end of free Windows 7's "mainstream support" period, with the operating system now entering "extended support." Many people are still running the aging Windows XP as well as Windows 7. Microsoft already ended its support for Windows XP officially about a year ago on April 8, 2014, and now the company found Windows 7 an old and cranky OS.

This Custom Game Boy With Pokemon Charizard Is An Absolutely Amazing Art Work!

Gameboy + Pokemon = My Awesome Childhood. If you had this in 1998, you would be the most popular person in school.

Watch This Awesome Animation "Heat vs Repulsion" Made By 19-Year-Old Chinese Student

If you do something good, it will always exist an Asian kid ready to humiliate you ...

How To Grab Someone IP Address..

In this tutorial i will you show you how to grab someone IP address using PHP script. This method can be used to grab someone Ip address on yahoo or Facebook chat or by sending mail to victim. So Lets get started......

Top 5 Web Vulnerability Scanners ever

Web Vulnerability Scanners: While vulnerability scanners are meant for your system, web vulnerability scanners assess the vulnerability of web applications. The identify the security vulnerabilities that your app may have through various tests. all links are perfect to open you are ready to open them..... your highness.............. ha ha ha ha i am jolking yarrrr but all links are perfect, guys you may execute............

Top 5 Packet Sniffers ever

Packet Sniffers: These are tools that can allow you to capture and visualise the traffic that is coming on your website. check these links below ...............

Top 11 Password Crackers ever

  Password Crackers: The name is pretty self explanatory in this case. These tools help you recover passwords from the data that a computer system is storing or transmitting over a network. guys check these below links all are working and grab the information .......

Top 15 Hacking Operating Systems Ever

Hacking Operating Systems: These are operating systems that have been designed specifically for hackers. These distros are preloaded with tools that a hacker needs etc. These are the best OS i have ever seen and every thing i am check it.............

Top 5 Wireless Hacking tools

Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible. click on below links then you get into it:-

Top 7 Vulnerability Exploitation Tools

Vulnerability Exploitation:   In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw. To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. In this frame, vulnerability is also known as the attack surface.

Here are the most accurate measurements of the ocean's biggest animals

Want to know what life is really like under the sea? From whales and sharks to squids, crabs and clams, this infographic shows just how big the ocean's most colossal animals can get. According to British science writer Ed Yong over at National Geographic, the idea for this infographic (which you can see a larger version of here) sprung from a science writing workshop run by himself and science writer Carl Zimmer a few years about how to explain science to a general audience without talking down to them. “I made a comment about how I always wanted to write a post on how giant squid sizes are bullsh*t, but that those always come off as an arrogant scientist telling the world that it’s wrong," Craig McClain, the assistant director of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Centre in the US, told Yong. Instead, McClain teamed up with Meghan Balk from the University of New Mexico in the US, and together they led a group of undergraduate students and several researchers, whose

How to Go From Skinny to Muscular in 7 Steps (with a diet plan)

A lot of people who are skinny wish they could gain weight and a muscular physique, but don’t know where to start. And going to the gym can be intimidating when you’re a beginner. Today we’ll look at the biggest reason people are skinny, and how to begin to build muscle, the healthy way. If you’re skinny, you might think you eat a lot. But you probably don’t. The No. 1 reason people are skinny is because they don’t eat enough calories. Even if you have a fast metabolism, you’ll need to eat more to gain weight. Couple that with strength training and you’ll go from skinny to muscular. Here’s how. 1. Eat More. Skinny people claim they can eat everything they want without gaining weight. The truth is, you can eat everything you want without gaining weight because you’re not eating a lot. But you can change that.

These are the hottest and coldest temperatures according to conventional physics

How cold is the coldest place in the Universe, that we know of? What's the lowest man-made temperature ever achieved? And just how many zeroes are needed to express 'absolute hot', after which the fundamentals of conventional physics start to break down in all kinds of strange ways? All is revealed by in this awesome infographic by the guys at BBC Future. See below for the whole infographic, or click here for an even bigger version, courtesy of the BBC. Most people are pretty familiar with absolute zero, it's -273.15 degrees Celsius, and it's the lowest possible temperature that can ever be achieved, according to the laws of physics as we know them. This is because it's the coldest an entity can get when every single skerrick of heat energy has been sucked right out of it. Even the coldest known place in the Universe - the creepy-looking Boomerang Nebula - isn't as cold as absolute zero. Just look at that thing, I last like three seconds before I have

Next big task for drones: Navigating populated areas

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: For drones to make it to the big time, they will need to learn to get around in towns and cities -- without falling on car hoods or crashing into pedestrians. Technology has advanced to the point where hobbyists can fly the unmanned aircraft with their iPhones. But nobody has yet developed a successful system for the devices to sense and avoid other objects like trees, streetlights, buildings and even other drones. That ability to be fully autonomous will be critical before legions of drones can buzz over our neighbourhoods. Similar technology exists. Commercial jets, for instance, are able to detect other planes in the sky and warn pilots of mountains in their path. The problem is how to make the detection system small, light and cheap enough to work on drones.

Is someone spying on you? SnoopSnitch app can tell

LONDON: A new app called SnoopSnitch can detect International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) catchers by keeping a tab if someone is spying on you. IMSI catchers are eavesdropping devices used for intercepting mobile phone traffic and tracking the movement of smartphone users, media reports said. Security experts recently revealed a massive security flaw that could let hackers listen in on private calls and read text messages on mobile networks. One way in which such hackers get access to such information is by using IMSI catchers or 'stingrays'. SnoopSnitch can detect IMSI catchers and warn smartphone users if their devices are giving up their personal information and connecting to them.

Half of UK Businesses Could be Hacked in Less Than an Hour

Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and could penetrate the IT systems of more than half of UK businesses in less than an hour, an expert has warned. Following recent attacks on Sony, data security expert Walter Rossi, from IT and telecoms provider Daisy Group, has advised that hacking is a growing issue, and that the majority of businesses are simply not prepared for and have little protection against it.

How to Encrypt DNS Traffic in Windows with DNSCrypt

DNS requests or queries are often the weakest link in the network chain as they are completely unencrypted even when you are using HTTPS or VPN service to secure your Internet communication. This unprotected DNS provides ample opportunities for vulnerabilities like man-in-the-middle attacks, DNS snooping, hijacking traffic, etc.

This App Can Help You Solve Any Equations And Cheat On Your Math Exams

"PhotoMath" gives you the answers to all math problems by taking a photo. Best invention for students who hate Math!

This Short Film About "A Tale Of Momentum & Inertia" Is Very Touching, And There's An Unexpected Twist

This beautifully-animated CGI short film by HouseSpecial creates a guardian rock to protect a kingdom. But how people treat him is cruel.

For the first time, organic matter has definitively been detected on Mars

There’s big news coming out of the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite (SAM) on NASA’s Curiosity rover. For the first time, organic matter has definitively been detected on Mars. In addition to finding organic compounds in rocks, SAM has also detected sharp increases and decreases in methane levels in the atmosphere. MSL participating scientist, Danny Glavin, explains these findings and what they tell us about our search for life on the Red Planet.

Govt bans; Developer takes 6 hours to swap 2 variables

Bangalore based software developer Rossell Bhargav, who works for HashInclude Technologies, had the worst day of his career after he found out that the company’s ISP provider had banned (a question and answer site for programmers) due to “regulations from the competent authority” (read Department of Telecom). “I wanted to swap two variables”, said Bhargav, “but man it turned to be a daunting task! I’m not kidding, I’m a senior software developer here but we are all so accustomed to StackOverflow that we hardly write code without copy-pasting snippets from there. But I didn’t know what to do when I found that it was blocked!”